Jose Rodriguez was a former prisoner and exoneree who was wrongfully convicted.
Jose was wrongfully convicted of a crime when he was a junior in high school. He was on the soccer team and had average grades for a high school kid. His girlfriend Molly, was from a family who had money, while Jose was with his mother who was working three jobs. Molly's parents did not approve of their relationship as Jose was 17 years old and Molly was 15 years old.
Aaron Wallace, a prisoner himself, became Jose's lawyer on his case.
Molly threatened she would hurt herself if Jose wouldn't show up. After Jose showed up, he went to sleep, and found a suicide note, he then found her beside a empty bottle of oxycodone. He decided not to wait on the ambulance because he knew her parents would blame him.
Jose states that he did not give her oxycodone anymore, and that she went to the school dealer. The school dealer then blamed Jose Rodriguez on being the seller. Aaron Wallace then tells Judge Tanaka that he intends on getting the drug dealer and the officer who saw the suicide note on the scene.
After the meeting between Aaron Wallace and the school dealer, Freddy Dawkins goes wrong, they both get on the bus transport to court, but the driver goes on a wrong route causing them to be late. Aaron then learns that the officer on the scene was only available during that time, and is now on a undercover case and cannot be used as a witness. Dez O'Reilly then reveals that Freddy Dawkins reverted back to his old testimony that Jose bought the drugs and not the victim.
Jose then shows a letter to Aaron that Molly sent to him after he was arrested. Aaron then used the handwriting and the knowledge that Jose had on the suicide note to write a fake version of the note to be used in court as evidence with the help of Wild Bill and his white supremacy gang.
Molly Davison was then brought to court and was shown the forged suicide note, she then admitted that her parents destroyed the original note so she would not get in trouble for buying drugs, and then she told the court that she lied about Jose buying the drugs. Jose was then exonerated and freed.